Let’s talk about needles and thread for Big Stitch Hand Quilting
All of us have personal preference for needles and thread. Here are my thought about what to look for when you are making your choices.
- Am I quilting a full size quilt? wall hanging, clothing or a bag?
- Easy of use – does it slide effortlessly through your quilt top/clothing.
- Can you see your thread stand out in your stitches.
- Is it easy to thread your needle?
- Can I stack stitches on the needle and still pull easily through the quilt top?
My goal is always reduce the stress on my hands and complete my project.
My go to thread is 12 weight Valdani because it satisfies all my questions when I Big Stitch my projects -it’s finer and easier to to slide through the quilt top but 8 weight slightly thicker and stands out more but takes a little more work to quilt through thicker layers.
Needles – almost the same thoughts.
- Am I quilting a full size quilt? wall hanging, clothing or a bag?
- Easy of use – does it slide effortlessly through your quilt top/clothing.
- Can I stack stitches on the needle and still pull easily through the quilt top?
The goal – reduce the stress on my hands and complete my project.
My hands prefer 12 weight – it’s just easier but you may choose 8 weight for a larger looking stitch. However, the weight the Perle cotton can dictate the size of the needles. So 12 wt – size 24 needles and specifically chenille give the least amount of resistance.
Be warned – Embroidery floss is not recommended for a full size quilt.It’s made up of 6 stands which can get tangled while quilting.
Needless – Sasko, darning chenille embroidery.
I recommend using Perle cotton 12 wt and size 24 chenille needles.
My go to tools are Chenille needles and Valdani Perle cotton 12 weight.